>>  You’re ready to play a bigger game and feel a call to create your soul’s song - your magnum opus - that will leave a legacy for generations to come.

>> You crave freedom at the highest level where you’re strong enough to show up and express your unique voice without compromising or watering down the authenticity of your message.

>> Because of all the things you juggle in your life, you want simple systems that allow your creativity to flow without the hustle that has zapped your energy and joy in the past.

>> While you’ve been successful following the procedures from coaches or mentors, you want to trust yourself to add more of YOU into what you do and how you do it so that your end result feels like an extension of who you are, not someone else.

>> You want to take amazing care of yourself to fuel your creative and energetic FIRE so you can serve people for years to come.

Jump Right in

Who is The Unwavering Woman?

This is the opposite of, what I call, Inhibition Instinct, which keeps a lot of women playing small with behaviors like:

Avoiding conflict, holding back their true thoughts, seeking to please others, and speaking and acting cautiously, all of which limit their potential

When you embody The Unwavering Woman you show up with the energy of conviction and unapologetic self-trust in who you are, what you know, and how you change people’s lives.

Rather than faltering, you exude unwavering confidence and visibility, boldly presenting your message and embracing a larger role.
Your steadfast commitment to your vision radiates passion, drawing others to you and inspiring action.

You tap into this energy at your CORE, nurturing it through your lifestyle and daily practices.

And this vitality sparks a constant flow of innovative and insightful ideas!

When you combine this with your ability to truly embody your energetically aligned message – because you honor your body, your energy, your gut and what your instincts are telling you to do – it LIGHTS YOU UP and you truly become a force to be reckoned with! 


This is the secret ingredient to taking things to the next level. 

It's time to become 

Listen, I get you!

You’ve probably invested in a lot of systems or strategies to help you take things to the next level, and you’re still coming across the same result. 

Here’s the truth: if it were a strategy issue, it would have been fixed by now. And since it’s not fixed, there’s something internal going on

I totally understand you’d love to dive deeper into how you want to show up, what your message is, and why it matters – all while honoring yourself, your energy, your body, and your life.

You’re intrigued by this idea of slowing down, but every time you sit down to get quiet, you can’t turn off your brain. (I remember the first time I sat down to meditate, I was 2 minutes into a 20-minute guided meditation and I wanted to poke my eyes out!)

Being in the yoga and meditation space for over a decade, I can tell you with certainty, this really is the key!

Because I’ve been able to let go of my inhibitions, fears, and energy drains by connecting to my core, I’ve been able to create my business from my heart – from my process, to my clients’ experience, to my lifestyle – it has been a process that has helped me feel alive and even surpass my own expectations.  

And this is exactly what I help my clients do.

Let's Get Started


The CEO of Your Life

A 6-month program for visionaries ready to embrace the freedom and ease that comes with embodying their energetically aligned message so they can rise above their inhibitions and become unwavering in creating The Dream.

Connect to Your INner wisdom

Recognize and embrace your inner wisdom so you can share your mission and your message with unwavering conviction.

Fuel Your Creative Fire

Renew and recalibrate your energy so you can unleash your passion for all the things you desire to do.

Close the alignment gap

Be BOLD and consistently perform at your highest level with complete alignment so you can authentically create the life you envision. 




Here's how it works


You’re able to connect to yourself on a new level and develop a greater sense of self-trust so that you speak with conviction through your energetically aligned message.

This attracts the right people to you and helps you take your life and mission to the next level.

You’ll discover how to be unwavering in the convictions of your heart, going after what you want, and the decisions you make.



Connect to your Inner WISDOM

Recognize and embrace your inner wisdom so you can share your mission and your message with unwavering confidence.

You’ll discover how to trust the value, not just in what you know, but WHO YOU ARE. You’ll be able to recognize a lifetime of unique accomplishments and challenges that can be integrated into your sense of self. What you’ve overcome, created, and nurtured so you can really know and understand your unique competence, strength, resilience, love, and compassion and why this makes you the best at what you do! 


Fuel Your Creative FIRE

Renew and recalibrate your energy so you can unleash your passion for all the things you desire to do.

You’re able to bring the FIRE and ENERGY behind the message. If you’re excited, other people will start to pay attention and get excited too – it’s what helps to create the magnetic energy that brings people with you.


Close the

Discover how to make the bold decisions to create your vision where everything flows, feels easy, and is energetically aligned with YOU!

You’ll be able to break free from the mold and stand in your power to create your DREAM – something you’ll be so proud and in awe of.

What's Included

Access to the life coaching masterclass vault to help you personalize your progress.

Lifetime access to course content that includes video library, audio files, and workbooks

6 months of weekly group coaching to support your transformation.

Community Q&A support with Janeen on What’s App between calls. 

Get Started now!

What this means

Discover how to be unwavering in the convictions of your heart.

Make bold decisions to bring your vision to life where everything flows, feels easy, and is energetically aligned with you.

Bring the FIRE and ENERGY behind your message to magnetize the right people to you.

Play a bigger game with less time and effort than before so you have time for the things that matter most.

Break free from the mold and stand in your power to create your dream – something you will be in awe of.

Trust in the value of WHO YOU ARE, not just what you know, so you can make the impact only you can make.

Self-Trust Check-In!

Book your 15-minute 

I believe in giving my clients high-level support – it’s what you deserve! Which is why I’m offering to hop on a 15-minute high-value Self-Trust Check-In with you. 

On this call, I’ll diagnose the exact cause of your current plateau and I’ll give you very specific take-aways that you can implement right away to help you let go of your time and energy drains because of self-doubt and second guessing. 

This is not a sales call. This is a 100% value based call where we’ll be able to determine the best action plan for you moving forward.

CLICK HERE to Book Now