158. Easy Ways to Be Healthy with Heather Hausenblas

If being healthy feels inaccessible to you because you’re tight on time you’ve got to tune into this week’s podcast.

I brought renowned world Health Psychology expert and researcher Heather Hausenblas on the show today to talk, not only the science-based health hacks that actually work, but how she does it – in real time as a mom of 3 busy boys.

I think you’re really going to enjoy this conversation!

I’ll see you inside! xo, Janeen


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[00:00:00] Janeen: All right, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. I am super excited to be with you guys today because I have a really special guest with me today. I have Heather Hausenblas with me on the podcast. And she has such an impressive bio. I’m gonna read a few things to you because you’re gonna be really impressed. Like I am about Heather. She has a PhD in the Science of Health Psychology. She is a health psychology expert and international award-winning scientist, public speaker, and bestselling author.

[00:00:35] She said, my research focuses on how our health habits affect our wellbeing, and so a little pause here in the middle of the bio. You guys knew as soon as I read this about Heather, I got really excited because I love this connection in particular how diet, exercise, sleep, and supplementation affects our overall health.

[00:00:54] She’s ranked in the top 1% of the most influential scientists of the world. So [00:01:00] I am super excited to have Heather with me today. Heather, go ahead and say hi. And just tell us a little bit about yourself beyond just the bio. Tell me a little bit about what you do, what your background is beyond that bio.

[00:01:13] Yeah,

[00:01:14] Heather: definitely. And thank you so much. I’m excited to be here and, and speak with you. So quickly just a little bit of a background, I’m originally from Northern Ontario and Canada. My husband and I moved down to, to Florida about 25 years ago. We figured, you know, why wait till, why wait till we retire, which is what most Canadians do.

[00:01:30] We thought we’ll enjoy the sunny weather and we’ve been here for 25 years, we’re in Jacksonville, Florida. We love it. We have three boys that keep us extremely busy. And growing up I was very active, spent a lot of time outdoors. I grew up with two brothers, and over the course of my school, what I did is I kind of merged

[00:01:51] two things that I really, really loved. One was kind of the love of like health and kind of the psychology of our behaviors and began to [00:02:00] research it. When I got into this field about 30 years ago, it was a new field, which made it really exciting. There wasn’t a lot of research done within our, our health behaviors in particular, like how our exercise or how much we stand or sit, how that affects our, affects our health. You know, supplements were really beginning to become more popular, but they really lacked a lot of, a lot of science. So it was an exciting area to get into and kind of make a path. And I’m fascinated by what makes us healthy and what doesn’t, and.

[00:02:32] What the science is behind it or what the evidence is. Because there’s a lot of what I call misinformation out there. There’s a lot of health wellness influencers now that really don’t have a lot of background and unfortunately they’re giving a lot of people bad information that they’re following for their health.

[00:02:48] Then when you ask most people, they wanna be healthy, but they’re struggling with how to go about to do that in in the right way. So one of my passions is to break down the science, to provide kind of what I call evidence-based [00:03:00] health information to people.

[00:03:02] Janeen: Yes. And I love that because I started off also in the fitness and wellness space and quickly Learned to love this psychology of change and what gets people to actually do the things that they know that they need to do. So I wanted to have you on, of course, to talk about that, but also running a company and raising a family and being a mom has its own challenges, so, Y’all know the title of the podcast is Becoming the c e o of Your Life, and I wanted to have Heather on the podcast to also talk a little bit about behind the scenes and what it’s like to be raising a family and running a company at the same time.

[00:03:40] So let’s actually start there. So what are some of the things that you do in your life, like in real time, if you could pull back the curtain for my listeners to explain what are some of the things that you do not only to run your company, but to also be healthy and take care of yourself while you [00:04:00] have been raising your boys.

[00:04:02] Heather: It’s an excellent question and it’s a lot of things and there’s no one real path that I did. It was many things that I kind of pulled through trial and error. And one of the things when my husband and I got married and shortly after we got married, we’re like, well, I guess the next thing we’re supposed to do is have kids.

[00:04:19] And so, you know, we, we did very quickly and at this point in my career, I was kind of on, fast forward, I was directing a research lab. I had a lot of research funding through the, um, national Institutes of Health and working, you know, several, you know, 60 plus hours a week. And then all of a sudden our first son is born and I’m like, I don’t even think I wanna work anymore.

[00:04:42] They completely rocked my world. So I was trying to determine, you know, what was the best thing for me to do. And I was a morning person. I still am. And I honestly, it might sound, it was extreme, but I took getting up in the morning to an extreme. So instead of getting up at five 30 in the morning, I’d be getting up at four 30 or four in the morning.[00:05:00]

[00:05:00] That’s when the house was quiet. It allowed me to get some work done, and honestly, I felt like I could be more productive in that hour or two in the house was quiet than when everybody woke up. I could get literally, I felt like an hour or two early in the morning and be super productive versus if I would’ve waited till 10 am it would’ve taken me all day to, to accomplish that. And a key aspect for, for me is I, I like to exercise and I like to move, and I felt a little isolated from my friends because all of a sudden I wasn’t able to, to see them as much during the day. So what I did is I, I like to be, Really productive. So I began to combine, and when I say combine, what I did was take my exercise instead of doing it by myself, I started you with my friends.

[00:05:47] And we would meet early in the morning and go out for a run or go to the gym or whatever it might be. But this way I was having my social time also with my friends. And after I do that, whether it was, you know, for 30 minutes, 45 minutes, [00:06:00] I always felt so good and so energized. And that kind of kept me going, you know, kept me going throughout the day.

[00:06:05] So what I really encourage people is, you know, you have to, it might sound selfish, but you really do need to put your health and your wellbeing at the top of the list and figure out how you can fit that into your day. And I tell people all the time, schedule, you know, schedule time for yourself, schedule time for, you know, health.

[00:06:24] Whether it’s exercising, spending a little bit of time outside, but you gotta schedule that into your day and make that a hard stop with, whatever you’re doing, and fit that in. And for me, I have this need to kind of feel productive and I feel that.

[00:06:37] If I get up in the first couple hours of my day and I get a lot done, then, then I feel good and can kind of coast throughout the rest of the day kind of doing tasks that don’t require as much like brain energy. That sometimes you could almost do, I, I don’t wanna say mindlessly, but things, you know, like the, the laundry and unloading, you know, unloading the dishwasher and those types of things that you need to, that you need to get

[00:06:57] Janeen: done.

[00:06:57] Yes. Oh my gosh. I heard so many good [00:07:00] things in there and some of these things that I, I do too. I don’t wake quite as early as you do. but I actually get a lot of stuff done in the morning before I work out. I work out with my friend. It makes it so much fun cuz then I have something to look forward to while I’m at the gym is visiting with her.

[00:07:17] And I love this idea of combining things together. There’s a lot of things that I find that I combine too. Sometimes if I’m not working out with somebody, then I’ll combine listening to a podcast or an audiobook or something where my mind is going while my body is moving. But yes, I love that and I love this idea of getting the hardest things done when your brain is the freshest. And I know for it sounds like you and me we’re on the same page that way. And then it’s early in the morning that our brains are the freshest cuz we are more alive at that time of the day, but I have actually had coaches who are more alive in the evening hours.

[00:07:53] But tell me a little bit about what that took for you to be consistently waking up at four. We had talked about this earlier, and I want you [00:08:00] to just share some of the things that helped you to be up and functioning at four or 4 30 in the morning.

[00:08:07] Heather: Well, first I was, I wasn’t staying up till midnight, that’s for sure.

[00:08:10] So what I started to do was really get on my kids’ schedule. So when they were going to bed, you know, around eight 30 or nine, I, I was pretty much shutting it down then because I, I do need my sleep, and sleep is really, really important. And I hear too many people say, well, I’m gonna give up, you know, an hour or two of sleep so that I can get more done.

[00:08:28] Yes, I’ll tell people, you’re not gonna be productive. It’s not gonna be good. You’re probably gonna eat worse than the next day. You’ll be in a worse mood and you’ll end up being, you’ll end up being less productive. So sleep is one of those core foundations, you know, of our overall health.

[00:08:43] Not only do we need to move during the day, but we also need to make sure that we’re getting enough enough. Sleep. I tell people, look at your whole 24 hours for movement, which sleep is an important part of it, but then also during the day you should probably get your heart rate up a little bit, you know, at that moderate intensity.

[00:08:58] It doesn’t need to be an hour long. [00:09:00] Some fascinating researchers now showing like a minute or two of just doing that a day has significant health benefits. But I encourage people to, you know, stand more and do kind of light activity during the day is really important.

[00:09:12] And they’re all, they’re all related. And coming back to what you say, one of the things that I often do when I have a meeting and it’s through phone, I will take it out to be a walking meeting where I’ll be talking to person on the phone and actually go, go and walk. And I will do that often.

[00:09:28] And at the university, oftentimes what I would do with students or other faculty, instead of sitting in our office and discussing stuff and having the meeting, I said, well, let’s go walk around campus. And one of the things about that is, first of all, I’m outside, so that, that’s great. And getting a little bit of, of exercise and believe it or not, then the meetings tend to be shorter.

[00:09:47] Mm-hmm. And so that you can get back to your office, you know, and get more work done. So there’s these little things that you can do because people will constantly say, and it’s probably the number one barrier for us, not only to to exercise, but to a lot of these health things that we need to do is people [00:10:00] say that they don’t have the time mm-hmm.

[00:10:02] To do it. And I said, well, let’s, let’s take a look at your day and let’s map it out and see, you know, what you’re actually doing, and then let’s figure out where it can be fit in during the day and how maybe you can combine different activities together to be productive.

[00:10:17] Janeen: Oh my gosh. Yes. I love that.

[00:10:20] And I like the intentionality of this multitasking aspect of your day. Cuz I know as moms we get caught up in trying to multitask, but we don’t do it correctly. So I’m just curious, we actually haven’t talked about this before, but are you familiar with what I’m talking about, like trying to multitask and then doing too many things and then not getting anything done versus Exactly being intentional with the things that you are taking on like a walk.

[00:10:46] And a meeting at the same time, as long as you don’t need to write anything down. But I do a lot of networking that way. I do a lot of things where I’m on my feet and I’m just connecting with people, and that is really the essence of what it is that I’m doing in [00:11:00] that time. So you have anything to add to that

[00:11:02] Heather: at all?

[00:11:03] I think, you know, when we talk about multitasking, true multitasking, there’s very few people that can, you know, be taking on multiple things all at once. But if you’re strategic about it, yeah, we can walk. Mm-hmm. And we can talk at the same time. And that can turn into, turn into that multitasking. And I know some people say with my kids, well, what do you know?

[00:11:22] What can I do? I struggle with spending time with my kids and getting work done. I’ll be like, well, include your kids. We know that moms that are physically active will tend to have kids that are also physically active. So, and it, it actually, the mom has a stronger influence on it than they, than the dad.

[00:11:39] So I think, you know, as a, a parent and a mother, we wanna model good behaviors for our kids. And your kids should see that you are exercising and why not do it with them? Also, there’s many things that you can do, you know, with your, with your kids. I know now that ours are a little bit older. In the teenage years, we, we’ll go out and play pickleball, you know, with them every once in a while

[00:11:58] they don’t think it tends to be [00:12:00] that cool all the time, being out with their, being out with their parents. But there’s things that way that you can do. Or when oftentimes we go on vacations, we make them more active vacations. Our kids like to golf and my husband. So, you know, we’ll, we’ll plan, you know, some golfing or some things where, where we’re active together as a family. So there’s things that you can try to do. You have to put a little bit of thought into it ahead of time. But the, the payoffs are incredible. Mm-hmm.

[00:12:22] Janeen: Oh my gosh, I love that. And to get yourself out of that, Reactive, like hustling, multitasking kind of mindset takes a little bit of work to make that shift, but that really is what I think about when I think about becoming the c e O of your life is planning your life ahead of time and then executing on your plan.

[00:12:41] I think sometimes we have these ideas of what life should look like. You know, whether it’s when we’re on vacation or just in the day-to-day, and I love this intentionality that you’re talking about. It’s like, listen, we can be active. We can have an active family vacation. And over the years, this is something that I have also tried to do.

[00:12:59] It’s like, [00:13:00] you know, I actually don’t like to vacation in a way where I am just like, you know, slammed from six in the morning until 10 30 at night on a vacation. To me, Well, I want to be doing fun things and there’s relaxing time and there’s this time where we’re just kind of taking it in instead of just like this hustle through the whole thing.

[00:13:17] So I love that you’re talking about that, cuz I think we can expand that to other things besides just activity. But besides doing your walking, I think we had talked about other ways that you, you had done research about getting these little bite-sized pieces of exercise or movement into your day. Do you, is there anything that’s coming to mind when I say that, that you’d like to share?

[00:13:41] Heather: You know? Yeah. And it’s a great question because we have, many people have this belief that to exercise we need to, you know, put on our workout clothes, go to the gym and do it intentionally, you know, for 30, 60 minutes. and join a class. And that, that’s great, and [00:14:00] that serves a purpose, but it’s not for everybody.

[00:14:01] And I tell people, if you don’t like it, you’re not gonna keep doing it. So if you don’t like yoga, Then don’t go and do it. Or if you don’t like, you know, lifting weights, then there’s many other things that you can do that you can find that you like. Because if you don’t like it, you’re not gonna continue with it.

[00:14:19] And believe it or not, there’s a lot of ways that we can be very, very active without actually going to the gym. And I know that there’s a lot of wearables now where people will, you know, track their steps and stuff, but it’s simple things like, and this might sound very simplistic and really it is, but taking the stairs, you know, as opposed to the elevator or the escalator, um, you know, carrying your own groceries in, for example, that that’s, that’s weight bearing.

[00:14:47] So there’s a lot of these types of, these types of things. I joke with some people who will say, well, when I’m brushing my teeth, or I am. Looking and waiting as the microwave is counting down for, for me to heat up something, instead of just standing there looking [00:15:00] at it, I may start to do squats or toe raises.

[00:15:03] these are simple little things as well, that during the day, you know, you’re kind of combining these tasks together, they can have a significant impact. And I tell people, you know, take a look at your day and if there’s things that you really don’t enjoy doing and it’s taking a lot of time and you can outsource, then, then do that. For me, for example, I hate grocery shopping.

[00:15:24] So now we live in a day and age where there’s many different ways that we can outsource that. And that’s something that, that I do. And it saves me a lot of time during the course of a week for me to do other things because I do, you know, spend quite a bit of time, you know, cooking.

[00:15:38] So the, the grocery shopping aspect takes that away. So that’s for, for me, you know, taking a look at what I do, what I like to do, what, you know, kind of funds I have for, for disposable things that I can get rid of that I don’t like. So that, My day can run as smooth as possible and I can be, you know, the c e o of, not only my company, but also of my house as

[00:15:59] Janeen: well.

[00:15:59] [00:16:00] Yes. Yeah. And I’m so glad you brought this up. I was, I’m taking notes as you’re talking and this is something that I actually have been thinking about because I don’t particularly like, The aspect of shopping for my groceries. I strategically only do it in the evenings actually, because my kids are older and I usually do it when they’re at an activity, I’ll drop ’em off somewhere and then I go run and do the errands, and then I come back and pick ’em up.

[00:16:23] But I’m kind of at this point where I’m, I am reevaluating that system and the reason why I’ve kept it for such a long time, because I am really interested in like, how do I get my time back? So I’ve been aware of Instacart for a really long time. But the reason why I’ve kept it on the schedule is because I’m moving while I’m shopping.

[00:16:41] And I do it in a way where I’m kind of not like plowing people over, but moving at a faster pace so that I am kind of, you know, I’m walking through the store instead of just like lollygagging, you know? But I, I am at this point where I’m like, okay, I. I’m gonna get that time back and so I am gonna start using Instacart and see [00:17:00] how that goes.

[00:17:00] But I am aware of what that trade-off is and so I am strategically shifting to doing more phone walking networking while I can can move in that way and understanding that that’s what the trade-off is. Cuz I think sometimes we get to a point where we can almost over hack our lives, where we make things so convenient for us, we’re missing out on some of that movement and, and benefits of just getting outside and breathing some fresh air or whatever, whatever that is in our lives.

[00:17:29] So I think that we can almost overdo it in that way. And you and I have talked about this before, where there is this sense, even in the health space where you can overdo it. You can overdo fitness, exercise, and wellness to a point where it is now counterproductive. Do you wanna say anything about that?

[00:17:45] Heather: Yeah, I think that’s a good point. And uh, it’s not something that we talk about enough when we take things to the extreme. And we’re bombarded so much in social media about health and wellness and as I said, there’s a lot, a lot of misinformation out there. Where [00:18:00] people will take and follow like a, a strict diet to, to an extreme.

[00:18:04] And there’s so many popular diets out there right now, or that they feel that they need to do this type of an exercise, or they need to stand more during the day. And wh what can happen for certain individuals is that it can turn into almost an, an addiction. We do have what we call these behavioral addictions.

[00:18:22] They’re not a hundred percent classified now as a official disorder, but there are many people who will take exercise to an extreme and can potentially become addicted to it. I have researched a lot about it and what it takes for somebody to become that excessive exerciser. And it can happen too with eating and eating healthy and they have terms to actually describe that and.

[00:18:44] Think about it, when it becomes all consuming, when you’re giving up a lot of other things that you should be, you know, should be doing to be healthy, then that’s where it becomes a concern. So, for example, there was one individual that I had interviewed for a study on exercise addiction, and he had [00:19:00] said, that his exercise had become expensive for him because he bought three different gym memberships.

[00:19:05] He’d go to one gym in the morning, one gym in the afternoon and then another gym in the evening. And he said the reason why he did that is because he didn’t want any of these gyms to know how much he was working out. And if you all of a sudden, let’s say, are supposed to meet family or friends for dinner one night, but you’ve had a really hectic day and you haven’t been able to get your exercise in, And if you give up not going out to dinner with your family and friends because you need to exercise, it’s probably time to take a step back and say, yes, exercise is really important for my health, but so is connecting with my family and friends.

[00:19:36] We failed to realize how important our social connections are for our, for our overall health. There was a fascinating study that I really liked cuz it equated, you know, the importance of our social connections and put it in terms, I think that, uh, people can understand stating that if you express that you’re lonely or you’re not connecting with people from a health standpoint, that’s the equivalent of smoking about 15 cigarettes [00:20:00] a day.

[00:20:00] then I have people say, well, does this mean that I can smoke if I have a lot of friends? I’ll be like, well, no, that’s not what it’s, you know, That’s not what it means, but it’s just to show that we, we need to have that balance and that is so, that’s so important. And yes, moving and exercise is important, but also being still is important as well.

[00:20:19] And having some downtime and not to feel guilty about doing that.

[00:20:22] Janeen: Yeah. Yeah. And that comes so much from my clients is feeling guilty for, for taking the downtime or even taking the time for themselves, because so often moms feel selfish or guilty for taking that time.

[00:20:35] Now, I know there’s some people out there listening that’s like, well, I’m not doing anything right now, but I’m nervous to get going because I might become an addict. Listen, if that’s you, please get going. I, I think, I think striking this balance is definitely an individual thing. I know that there’s some people who might look at my lifestyle or your lifestyle and be like, well, that’s extreme.

[00:20:57] But for us it’s manageable because we’ve either [00:21:00] been doing it for a long time or it’s something that really works well for us. I know that I have to be very mindful about managing sometimes seasonal effective disorder or the, the winter blues that I get by being very diligent about, you know, eating really well and taking that time to exercise for myself.

[00:21:16] Otherwise, I get stuck in this emotional funk for myself. And I know some people might look at that and just decide, well, that’s not for me cuz I don’t wanna be doing that. But for me it’s something that works really well. So again, it comes back to being intentional and the choices that you’re making, but I love these little tips that you’re giving because it really does make

[00:21:36] exercise accessible to any kind of person. You just wanna start looking for excuses to make it happen instead of excuses to not do it. So that’s something to be onto yourself a little bit, I think, moving forward. But one of the things that I want to talk about, I’m gonna shift gears here because when you and I spoke earlier, we were talking about distractions and how it’s so easy for us[00:22:00]

[00:22:00] in this day and age to get distracted by things. Things that will take us away from some of these healthier habits or just anything that we want to take on in life. It’s so easy for us to pick up our phone or, or whatever it is, making excuses to not move forward. So what are some of your tips about eliminating some of those distractions?

[00:22:19] You can specifically talk about phone use or anything that comes to mind.

[00:22:23] Heather: It’s a challenge because especially with social media and having our phones and we’re plugged in so often during the day, and this happens to me. If I all of a sudden go onto YouTube cause I’m searching for some type of a video and then all of a sudden these things pop up.

[00:22:37] And I’ll look down at the time and it’s 30 minutes have gone by and I’ve watched these videos that I’ve really enjoyed, but I haven’t gotten any, any work done. So it happens to the best of us. A couple of things that I do is I’ll give myself a timer where I’ll set like 30 minutes and this is what I’m I, I’m gonna focus on and I put my phone away.

[00:22:55] I just focus on that for 30 minutes. Then my timer goes off. I give myself, you know, a little bit of a break [00:23:00] regroup. Because honestly, we can’t keep our attention for that long. And it’s important to take these breaks during the day. A few things that I do with my phone, I take a look and it’s something that I have struggled with and, you know, I struggle with my kids and trying to reduce how much time they spend on their phone. It’s a simple thing that that can be done is you take your, the screen color and you set it to gray.

[00:23:22] So basically when you look at your phone, it’s just in, you know, it’s in shades of gray, which doesn’t make it as appealing. And some fascinating studies have shown that just by doing that alone, that reduces the amount of time that people spend on their phone. So that’s a really, really simple intervention.

[00:23:39] One of the things that I bought for our 14 year old was the lockbox for a phone. Just gotten it off of Amazon. It wasn’t expensive at all. And he knows now that every night at around nine o’clock, it goes in the lockbox.

[00:23:50] It’s locked. Literally. You can’t get into it until whatever time I set. So it’s usually, you know, around 7, 7 30 in the morning and then it unlocks. So this way I know that he’s not, [00:24:00] you know, scrolling, scrolling through it. I tell people, you know, take social media, for example, off your phone and make it harder for you to be able to access it.

[00:24:08] So these are, you know, little things that can be done that actually end up having a big impact for people.

[00:24:14] Janeen: Yeah. And I, I’m grateful that you brought up putting your phone on Grayscale, cuz I’m on your email list and I read one of the articles that you sent about that and I actually, I turned my phone to Grayscale and it just makes the phone so much less appealing cuz you get on there and you’re just like, This was kind of boring. I even took off the the photos on my background screen, my wallpaper and stuff, just because it made the phone really distracting.

[00:24:39] I wanted my phone to be super clean. I didn’t wanna have anything on there that was not necessary for the day. No games, of course, nothing that’s gonna take me away from the focus for the day and I think I cut my phone time in half, and I am somebody who’s very aware of how much phone time I use because.

[00:24:56] I’m a productivity coach, so this is something that [00:25:00] really took it to the next level for me. So I’m really grateful that you brought that up. And then again, I loved what you said, this is what I’ve been doing for years is, is making things like Instagram or whatever difficult to get onto.

[00:25:13] I know timers are helpful, but. Like in the past I’ve gotten around my timers, you know, but if I just take it off my phone, I’m like, you can only get on here when you’re working or you have that set time that’s scheduled. That has been tremendously helpful to me, so I’m grateful that you brought that up.

[00:25:30] Is there anything else that you would like to share? Any other little tips, things that we’ve talked about in the past or anything that’s just coming to mind that you wanna share with my audience?

[00:25:39] Heather: I think it’s important for people to know we’re human and we’re gonna have setbacks and what I call, you know, kind of malfunctions, during the day.

[00:25:46] And you know what? If you wanna have your piece of cake, then, then eat your piece of cake and, and enjoy it. And that is really important because we do need to enjoy life. And people will say, well, you know, I missed the last, you know, two, three days of exercise. [00:26:00] I’m just not gonna do it anymore and I’ll start fresh the next month.

[00:26:02] I’ll be like, it’s okay to miss a day or two or three of stuff. It happens to us all the time. What’s really important is to forgive yourself and just get right back into it and understand that we, I always say I have really good intentions for stuff, but you know, things do get in the way we are human and a lot of things do happen.

[00:26:20] And to be able to forgive yourself or just say, it’s okay that I didn’t do this or that I did and regroup. And get back on it. And I find for myself, you know, it’s important to kind of set your goals and then regroup, you know, and to see how you did and what you can do to change them.

[00:26:39] Janeen: Yes. And I love that eliminating the, beating yourself up conversation because it’s not, it’s not helpful in any way, shape, or form.

[00:26:47] I know for myself it’s like, The furthest thing from being motivated to make changes and just like analyzing, being like, okay, what didn’t go well today? Why did I end up getting on Instagram for 45 minutes or whatever? And I know that [00:27:00] I, I do it far less, but I still do this from time to time and it is refreshing.

[00:27:03] I think even though you’re a top researcher in the world, it still happens to you as well. Just because, like you said, we are human beings. I think the thing to help us to get back on our feet as quickly as we can is to be more curious about why we’re doing something instead of being that harsh critic that we we’re all familiar with, but it’s just not a helpful conversation.

[00:27:23] So, so grateful that you brought that up. Heather, thank you so much for joining me today. It really has been a pleasure for me to be with you and to share you with my audience. I think that they’re really gonna get a lot out of this podcast. So thank you so much for coming today.

[00:27:38] Heather: You know what, thank you for having me, and I love what you do and the message that you’re sharing

[00:27:42] Janeen: with people.

[00:27:43] Thank you.

[00:27:43] [00:28:00] All right, my friends. I hope that you guys have a beautiful rest of your week. We will catch you guys later. Take care. Bye-bye.