Becoming the CEO of Your Life


Have you ever felt like you’re doing all the things to reach a goal, but you’re super frustrated and discouraged with results?

I was there just this last week. In fact, I even said to one of my coaches, “Oh my goodness! I feel like I’ve tried everything.” And she said, “Ok, slow your roll. We’ve tried 2 things.”

She was right. We all have a little brain drama from time to time, amiright?! And THIS – the brain drama – is what feels so exhausting if we let it get away from us.

So in this week’s episode, I’m sharing build some mental muscles – like recognize which “Emotional Zone” you’re in and which one you need to be in to reach your goal – so you can keep moving forward toward your goals without burning out or giving up.

140. How to Reach Seemingly Unattainable Goals

March 23, 2023